"Trust your motherly instincts, at the end of the day (or in the middle of the night), no book, medical expert or even experienced mom knows YOUR baby better than you. Trust your God given innate ability to care for your baby." - Mother's Intuition

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

When we let others Perceived Opinion affect our Parenting

Ok I admit it, I have parented my child based on what I thought others wanted me to do, not based on what I wanted to do or what I thought my child needed. And if you know me you know that I'm a pretty determined person who does what I want usually regardless of others opinions, but I too fall victim to the stares and my perceived opinions of what others think of my parenting. And if I fall victim to this type of parenting what about those that haven't quite resolved what type of parent they are and are continually changing their parenting based on who is watching them.

For those that are a parent you know what I mean?! You are at the park and your child hits another child, or throws a stick at them (I know it's not just my child that does this, but in that moment you feel like the only parent this has ever happened too!). Now if im in a group of mothers that advocate letting kids work it out or just letting things go,  I'm more likely to be calm (really upset that my child isn't being gentle!) but address the situation with my child and work to correct the behavior. But I have also been with parents who are less gentle and who advocate a firmer discipline than I am comfortable with, but my child has hit their child so I feel this need to discipline in a way that they would deem fit, because after all my child hurt theirs and I am embarrased that we are even having to deal with it (Oh I know I'm not the first mom to be embarrased and just wished it could have been someone elses kid that day!).

I have pondered this subject alot and to be honest, It just makes me mad at myself when I allow others to affect my parenting in a way I don't want it to. Whether that be the mom that I perceive wants me to be lackadaisical or the parent who wants me to be a harsh disciplinarian.

 Now you will notice a pattern in this article, I am in no way blaming the other moms, because they have not stated to me how they expect me to discipline, I am just making up my own scenario and we all know that that is no way to parent, and even if we know what they expect, it is NOT about them. It is about OUR Children. It is our job to raise them, teach them, guide them. So as a parent who wants to do the best for my children, I  have decided that we as parents need to stop worrying about what others think of our parenting and how we handle our children, and start worrying about what our children think of our parenting. Because we are not accountable to those that judge our parenting we are accountable to our sweet children and our Heavenly Father who has entrusted us with these Children, to love and respect them.
So lets start making parenting about our children.